Welcome to High Speed Low Drag, the podcast for veterans and soldiers transitioning into the civilian world. War veteran John Lee Dumas interviews other veterans who are crushing both business and life, revealing the path they took to achieve outstanding success. Veterans, are you prepared to ignite? John: Veterans, are you interested in owning your own business? Join me, Antonio Centeno and Tom … [Read more...]
How To Deal With Imposter Syndrome As A Veteran Business Owner | High Speed Low Drag Podcast
You know that feeling that you get when you’re trying to put your best work out there but you always feel like you’re not good enough or aren’t as good as other people? That is imposter syndrome. Imposter syndrome is more common than one may think. It is safe to say that most of us- veterans included have gone through it. Statistics show that over 70% of all people experience it at one point … [Read more...]
Fearless New Beginnings | How to Start Over Without Fear | Leveraging Your Skill Set to Start Your Business
This post is a conversation between Antonio, Tom, and Jennifer of www.missjbear.com. Jennifer's mission is to inspire you to be yourself with no restraint. Antonio: Develop your idea, maybe figure out where you could possibly create a business. So I'll let Tom go ahead and dive into this. Tom: Yeah. Jennifer, I think the best place to start or where I like to start be … [Read more...]
Interview with Ted Fienning | Co-Founder of Babiators | High Speed Low Drag Podcast
Welcome to High Speed Low Drag, the podcast for veterans and soldiers transitioning into the civilian world. War veteran John Lee Dumas interviews other veterans who are crushing both business and life, revealing the path they took to achieve outstanding success. Veterans, are you prepared to ignite? John: Veterans, are you interested in owning your own business? Join me, Antonio Centeno … [Read more...]
Interview with Ron Fugle | Founder of Fire and Adjust | High Speed Low Drag Podcast
This post is a conversation between John Lee Dumas, founder of High Speed Low Drag, and Ron Fugle, founder of Fire and Adjust. Welcome to High Speed Low Drag, the podcast for veterans and soldiers transitioning into the civilian world. War veteran John Lee Dumas interviews other veterans who are crushing both business and life, revealing the path they took to achieve outstanding success. … [Read more...]
How to Deal with Imposter Syndrome as a Veteran | High Speed Low Drag Podcast
Tom: Hey, everyone. Welcome back to another episode of the High Speed Low Drag Podcast. I'm Tom Morkes here with Antonio Centeno. Today, we're going to talk about impostors. How's it going, Antonio? Antonio: It's going great. Are you sure this is me? I mean, I could be somebody else. Tom: Maybe not that impostor syndrome. I think today we're going to talk about exactly the … [Read more...]
Ron Fugle | Fire and Adjust Founder | High Speed Low Drag Podcast
Ron Fugle is the founder of Fire and Adjust, a veteran focused podcast. He is an army veteran and served as an army tanker. From the military, he transitioned to create a business that shows his passion for helping other veterans and other people. HSLD: Besides the little background that we’ve given about you, could you tell us a little more about yourself? Ron: Fire and Adjust is a … [Read more...]
Starting With The End In Mind | High Speed Low Drag Interview
Tom: Hey, everyone. Welcome back to another episode of the High Speed Low Drag podcast. I'm Tom Morkes here with Antonio Centeno. And today we're going to talk about starting with the end in mind, specifically in the context of how we start projects that we should start with the end in mind. So Antonio, how's it going? Antonio: It's going great, Tom, and the title for this chapter comes out of … [Read more...]
When Should Veterans Outsource The Tech Side Of Their Business | High Speed Low Drag Podcast
It's question time again! This podcast is dedicated to some questions asked by some High Speed Elite members- specifically about outsourcing and tech. One of High Speed Elite's members is currently having some tech issues. Here's what she has to say: "One of my biggest questions is what do I need to do or should I do about having someone run my site. Here's why I ask- I have other things, moving … [Read more...]