This post is a conversation between John Lee Dumas, founder of High Speed Low Drag, and Ron Fugle, founder of Fire and Adjust.
Welcome to High Speed Low Drag, the podcast for veterans and soldiers transitioning into the civilian world. War veteran John Lee Dumas interviews other veterans who are crushing both business and life, revealing the path they took to achieve outstanding success. Veterans, are you prepared to ignite?
John: Veterans, are you interested in owning your own business? Join me, Antonio Centeno and Tom Morkes, all successful entrepreneurs and veterans, as we talk about what it takes to build your own business from scratch by leveraging the skills you developed while serving your country. And you’ll have the support of a community of veterans that are committed to helping you succeed. Visit That’s
High Speed Nation, John Lee Dumas here and I am fired up to bring you our featured guest today, Ron Fugle. Ron, are you prepared to ignite?
Ron: John, I’m on fire over here already, brother, so let’s light this baby off, man.
John: Army veteran, fellow tanker, and founder and host of Fire and Adjust, focused on inspiring others to take action with their lives and dreams by interviewing and highlighting our military and veteran entrepreneurs, business leaders, actors, actresses and models, athletes, artists and other amazing and inspirational people. Ron, I’ve given High Speed Nation just a little insight. So share a little bit more about you personally then expound upon the biz.
Ron: Well, I mean, for me, John, Fire and Adjust is all about what happened with my life and what didn’t happen and how long it took me to get things going and stuff like that. I have that story where I was — I spent 13, 14 years spinning my wheels and I never really actually launched a project. I had several little things kind of fester and start to take off, and something stopped me, something helped me up with each and one of those things. And now I know what it was but it took some years to figure it out.
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I just want to save people that time. And hearing the stories of the other veterans and stuff out there, John, like yourself and Antonio and everybody in this little world of ours is inspiring for everybody. And I think that needs to be brought out a little bit more into the mainstream. There’s a few of us out here doing it, John, but it needs to be heard. There are so many people that I think are on the cause of starting something and something holds them back. So that’s where Fire and Adjust came from.
I mean, there’s a whole story behind it. My old man passed and watching him worked through his life and his whole career for retirement and never getting there. There’s just a lot of stuff we could talk about. But that’s how Fire and Adjust came about. And helping the veterans in the military background, once I got into a group, Michael O’Neill and The Solopreneur Hour, he helped me put two and two together and married the two and bring it out to where we are today. It’s taken off. I may end up having my first 10,000 download day today which would be awesome.
John: What? Very impressive stuff. And a little shout out to Michael O’Neill, The Solopreneur Hour. He may not be a veteran but he tries hard. And, Ron, we love starting all High Speed Low Drag podcasts off with a success quote. Share one with us and why you chose it?
Ron: Well, like I just said, I’m going to share one from Steven Pressfield, from The War of Art, which is one of my favorite books. He says, “Are you paralyzed with fear? That’s a good sign. Fear is good. Like self-doubt, fear is an indicator. Fear tells us what we have to do.” He goes, “Remember this one rule. The more scared we are of a work or a calling, the more sure we can be that that’s what we have to do, and we have to do it.” Once I heard that and looking back at my life and everything that’s going on, I mean, that’s 100% true at least for me and I think it’s 100% true for a lot of people out there, John.
John: Absolutely. And then, Ron, it’s been pretty fun for me to chat with the military in general. With High Speed Low Drag, I will say I’ve been talking to a lot of people in the Marines, Navy, Air Force, Coasties. But I just want to make a point. It’s pretty nice to talk to not only a fellow Army guy but a tanker as well. So looking forward to this chat. I’m looking forward to just the immediate connection that we have and just, Army. Go ahead.
Ron: Sorry, sorry.
John: I was just going to say we want to talk about your military experience specifically and I’m really excited about hearing that from my perspective because we got similar ones, obviously, being both Army and armor. But I love to hear your most pivotal moments, if you could just share that story specifically that you had in the military.
Ron: Most pivotal moment. Well, I can’t say — I had a short stint in the military. I didn’t make my first four full years, you know what I’m saying? I ended up being medically discharged.
I screwed my shoulders up in basic training. Maybe that’s a pivotal moment. I was injured in basic training and they gave me the option to stay there, John. They’re like, “Well, we can put you on hold over company or you can take a week off and then try to take your final PT testing, get out of here.” And I don’t know if you know a hold over company but you’re basically going to sit there until you’re healed and then you’re going to go through basic training again.
As an enlisted tanker, I mean, we’re there for — It’s one stop, training. So you’re there for an extended period of time, anyways. I was like, “Oh, heck, no, man. I want to — Just let me take my break. Let me get out of here.” And I pushed through almost the full four years. But it was something that I needed to make that decision and I wanted to get out there and get into my unit station down in Fort Hood. I couldn’t wait to get out of basic training.
So that was a pivotal moment. I mean, it was something that followed me through my whole career. I mean, it’s part of what with Fire and Adjust and everything like that. I don’t know. I would like to say this throughout our universe, John. If we’re going to go in to the Army as an armor, you’re going to end up in Fort Knox, make sure you go during the spring or summer because winter there was a — It was an interesting experience, John.
John: Yeah. I can say I was there for almost a full year. So I got to experience pretty much every season so I can definitely say that as the case. And actually, we did our final training exercise in February. That wasn’t a ton of fun. But being a [0:06:29] [Indiscernible], kind of the hardy type, I was able to deal with it. But overall, I wouldn’t recommend it for everybody. But, Ron, just break it down into one actionable lesson that you learned. What was one takeaway that you learned from that overarching experience in your life that you can pass on to our listeners?
Ron: There’s nothing you can’t do. I mean, even pushing yourself through a little bit of pain, whether it’s physical pain or it’s pain from you having to do something that you don’t want to do or you don’t like doing. It’s generally worth it. When you look back at it, the little bit of un-comfort that you felt, you’re going to laugh and say, “Man, I’m so glad that I did that.” To me, I can think of probably five or six different times that were huge that that came into play. We actually had to sit down. But sometimes you got to talk yourself through it, John. It’s not just a natural thing. You’ll be sitting there and, okay, it’s time to get up and move on. You got to drive on.
John: So let’s just drive on. And we’re going to drive on now to your transition period in the military. Let’s talk about that transition. Paint that picture for us, really take us to that transition period that you had and maybe share some obstacles or challenges that you had to overcome during that segment in your life.
Ron: I did not prepare very well for my transition. I wish that I did. It’s one of the things that I look back on and say if I could have changed or adjusted, that would have been one of them. I wasn’t taking the course. I wasn’t going through the classes and stuff. The ones that were offered, no, I’m not going to sit here and tell everybody that they were good by any means. I still have the little purple folder that they gave me. There was opportunities and I didn’t take advantage of them when I should have.
So when I ended up transitioning and I finally got back home — And we came home because there was a relative in our family that was sick and had Alzheimer’s and stuff, so we came home for that reason. And I had a difficult time transitioning at that point and actually finding a job and dealing with the going back to the same parties with the same people and seeing them do the same things. And it just really opened my eyes to why I joined the military in the first place, to get out of that small town feeling type of thing. That was something that people need to think about, John, a lot sooner than a couple of weeks before they get out.
John: Yeah. Sad but true. Ron, hindsight is 20/20 and we all look back and everything. I was miserable. I mean, I just did as little as I could and took as little advantage the transition opportunities that was there, which again were amazing but they were there and I didn’t take any advantage of it. I was just like, “Woohoo, time to get out. Party time. Let’s leave. No more having to shine my boots and get up at 4:45 a.m. to go do some freezing Kansas Fort Riley PT.” That was my mindset. But what would you want to say right now, Ron, to those that are transitioning out? If you just share one takeaway, what would just that one takeaway be?
Ron: Your skills do translate. They translate in ways that you might not even be able to possibly comprehend right now because of where you’ve been and everything. But those skills that you’ve learned, just the basic training skills, John, translate into life, not just business, but life and everything you do and how you conduct yourself. The Army core values, I try to — I look back at those a lot and say, “Okay, am I operating within those?” Because that’s really what I believe in.
It makes a big difference. I think it makes a big difference in your business. It makes a big difference in your career if you’re going and working for other people. It makes a big difference if you’re going to school and how you operate everything in your life.
John: Absolutely. That’s what I really want High Speed Nation to really get down with and understand, that this is what it’s all about. This is about taking the values you learned during your service and then applying it to the rest of your life because it does apply.
Ron: You’re a fellow tanker, John. When we run our skill sets through the government thing, basically, we’re operating heavy equipment or we’re going to be a security guard or a police officer. I mean, that’s pretty much what’s stamped in our forehead. It’s sad. It shouldn’t be that way.
John: It should not be that way. And so let’s talk about what it was for you. Take us to that first civilian gig. What was that? I mean, it’s usually not pretty for many people. Mine was incredibly ugly. It was law school, which was exactly one semester before I quit. So mine was a pretty horrible first gig, so to speak. What was yours, Ron? Tell us that story.
Ron: I grew up in the automotive background. I mean, I put my first wrench in a car when I was eight years old. So I always had the skill set to fall back on and that’s what ended up happening. I fell back into the automotive business. I took a position as a mechanic and interviewed with them with the understanding that within a few months I wanted to train for management and move up through the ranks.
So a nationwide repair shop, I won’t mention names or anything like that, I went and worked for them. It was three months before I took over my first managerial position with them. But once I realized the skills that I had just by showing up on time, doing your job, not questioning, no questions asked. And once something needs to be done, you just do it. Those types of things just — I started to excel very quickly in the career. That’s when I started to notice what was happening.
I didn’t really put the two and two together until I started doing this, John, and I started really looking into it and looking back at it and seeing how everything falls into place. But that was the beginning of it. And I ended up being the youngest store manager, general manager that that company had in our region. I was training, took off from there. I mean, everything was going good and life happens. Things change.
John: Life does happen. And speaking of that, let’s continue forward in your journey, Ron, and let’s talk about a light bulb, an aha moment, like an epiphany that you had just during at some point at that journey. And, of course, you had many of those in many different areas, but which one is a story where — Which one do you think is going to resonate with our listeners, High Speed Nation here, and break down that story and then walk through how you turned that idea into success?
Ron: Well, I’m going to actually use — It’s not necessarily a happy story but it is something that was very pivotal was when my father passed. And it was a huge moment for me because he was probably one of the only men that I ever really looked up to in my life and still. When that happened, middle of the night he had a heart attack, he was 53 years old, John. He worked his you know what off his entire life in the family business trying to get everything — You know what I’m saying?
That American dream — I’m making air quotes right now — hat everybody talks about and everybody wants to have and then he fell short and that sucked because he never got to enjoy anything. And I didn’t want that to happen to me. I took a really strong look at where I was in my career and where I was heading and where I could go and where I could eventually be. And there was really nothing in that picture that I ever saw myself really being happy.
So at that point, I said, “Okay, what is–” I can make the money. I can be successful. I can have all these things but be miserable. Or I can go out and do something that really truly makes me happy. Maybe I won’t make as much right now but in the long run it’s very good possibility that it can trumpet tenfold and I can be happy but I have to take that step. I have to get over those fears of walking away to the comfortable-ness of where I’m at and changing that.
Right now, I’m in the middle of Fire and Adjust and I’m completely changing my career background, the whole nine yards, going to school, everything. If I’m going to tell the people to do it, I have to be willing to do it myself. So that’s where I’m at.
John: That’s actually pretty cool story that just run in my mind and it has to do with Gandhi. The first quote that I want to give from Gandhi that I just love giving that is just so important is that: Be that change that you want to see in the world. I mean, with me, Ron, with Entrepreneur on Fire, I wanted to see the change. I wanted to see a seven-day a week podcast interviewing inspiring successful entrepreneurs. So, I wasn’t to be a whiny little pansy about it. I was going to step up, be what an Army officer would do and take charge, take the lead and make things happen. That’s what I did.
And that is really powerful too because that’s what you’ve been able to effectuate as well with your business in going forward and taking that lead and being that change that you wanted to see, seeing that void and taking it and hitting some massive, massive milestones with your business, your podcast that we talked about in the pre-interview. But the Gandhi quote that I want to share with you, which is really fascinating is — A mother takes her son to Gandhi and says, “Gandhi, I want you to tell my son to stop eating candy. He’s just eating too much candy. It’s just bad for him.”
And Gandhi says, “Come back in two weeks.” And so the woman is confused. She comes back in two weeks. And then she says, “Gandhi, can you now tell him to stop eating candy?” And he looks at the kid and he says, “Stop eating candy.” And the mother was just like, “Well, why couldn’t you have done this two weeks ago? I’d have to travel 100 miles to get back to you here.” And he’s like, “Well, I had to stop eating candy first.” The reality is, like you said, Ron, you just can’t be proclaiming this thing from this pillar without actually doing it yourself.
And here you are taking action, leading the way. And now you’re able to talk about it and share some really powerful stories which I want to bring now to today, to present times. What is the number one thing that has Ron Fugle most fired up today?
Ron: I’m really excited. Finally, Fire and Adjust has taken off like we talked about and everything. I was invited to a couple different events, one of which I’m going to be able to go to down in San Antonio. I know you know about that one, John. And it’s starting to take from the online world into the actual offline world and networking with people out there face to face, which I think is going to be the next step for Fire and Adjust. And I’m really, really excited about it, to be perfectly honest with you.
John: I’m excited. I wish you’d even actually share some more details about that conference, the USA Conference down in San Antonio. What are deets?
Ron: Yeah, the Social Exchange 2014. There’s a few of us, I know, a few names were mentioned, John. You were. I’m not sure if you’re going to make it though.
John: I’m not but we are going to be represented. Tom Morkes will be down there.
Ron: Yeah. And myself and then the only I know about other was the MILBIZ podcast. And I’m pretty sure he got the kinks worked out with the military to get the approval of Bill. I’m excited about that because I’ve known him for a while. So actually, to be able to meet him in person. I mean, these are people that you feel like you know them, John. You talk to them all the time online and stuff like that. You’ve been to many events and stuff like that. Just getting to actually handshake with these people and get in front of them is going to be a huge, huge deal for me. And they’re talking about the big — They have the big Veteran’s Day ceremony that’s aired on the Pentagon channel too that they’re going to be doing while they’re down there, that USA puts out and everything.
John: So cool. And just to reiterate. I mean, High Speed Nation, investing yourself both time, financially, getting out there to conferences. This can make all the difference in the world. It’s what really jumpstarted Entrepreneur on Fire, which jumpstarted a lot of people’s journeys. You need to do that face to face interaction. You need to make that stuff happen. And, Ron, what we need to do now is transition to the lightning round because this is where you get to share incredible resources and mind blowing answers. Sound like a plan?
Ron: Absolutely.
John: What was the most difficult adjustment that you had to make to the civilian world?
Ron: Honestly, once I ended up in a management position, I had a difficulty with the — You can’t manage out here in the civilian world like you can in the military. The chain of command is not there. That respect is not there. It was probably a good six months before I really settled in and realized how it is that you need to change some things up to motivate people to get them to do the things that they need to do and stuff on their own. So that was a bit difficult transition for me.
John: What business advice would you pass along to those making the transition now?
Ron: Business advice. You need to start working on your network. That’s probably the biggest thing you need to do. The people that are sitting next to you right now, you need to know who they are. You need to be connected to them. And you need to maintain those connections. Because you never know who’s going to be that person that connects you to the one guy that’s just going to take everything to the next level for you. What’s that one degree of separation that everybody talks about, you know what I’m saying?
When I transitioned, John, it wasn’t that — The internet and stuff like that wasn’t there. I mean, Myspace might have been coming around but this was still the old screeching dial up days. The ability to network wasn’t as strong as it is now. And they need to be taken advantage of it if they’re not. There’s a bunch of different programs out there for us and they need to go on.
John: So true. Ron, share one of your personal habits that you believe contributes to your success.
Ron: I can’t give up. I don’t know what it is, whenever I think I’m beaten and I’m down, John, something inside says you just need to get up and drive on. You’ll hear me say drive on a lot. And it’s something that I — I don’t know if I picked it up from the military acquaintances or what but it definitely is something that I use. You push forward. You lean in. And you’ll get through it. Like I said, it might be painful for a little while but it’s worth it in the long run.
John: Love it. What is the biggest generalization of being a vet, if any, you’ve had to overcome in the civilian world?
Ron: There’s something about being an Army, enlisted Army and soldier that just the word “dumb grunt” was thrown around a lot. I think I got called I was the smartest dumb grunt, this one gentlemen I’d ever met. So just getting past that stereotype of just being — you’ve heard other people say it, John, the brainwashing and stuff like that. I really think that people, I don’t know where that divide come from. I don’t get it. I have a hard time with them.
John: What book would you recommend to our listeners?
Ron: That’s a difficult one. I’m a bookaholic, if you will. I listen to audio books like they’re going out of style. I reference Steven Pressfield a lot. The War of Art. Really, I think the one that holds a lot of people back from starting anything they want is fear, John. You can relate it to many different things and that book will help you with it.
John: So, Ron, let’s end today literally on fire with you sharing one parting piece of guidance, the best way we can connect with you, then we’ll say goodbye.
Ron: All right. My parting piece of guidance was I’m going to stress the network thing. You got to get out there. If you’re not, LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, RallyPoint, get with John’s group. I mean, just get and start reaching out to these people. And you can’t be afraid of it. When I first started this, John, I was nervous when I sent those emails. For some reason, I was scared. I thought that I was going to be “Who was this guy? Why is he bothering me?” type of thing. But I’ll be perfectly honest with you. Of all the contacts I’ve made, I’ve never had one bad thing come of it.
Now there’s been people that just haven’t responded, period, which is fine. But I’ve never had anybody say, “Leave me the hell alone,” or, “What are you doing? You’re just a fool.” You know what I’m saying? Nothing like that. There’s no reason to be worried about reaching out to somebody even if you think they’re a couple levels up. Reach out. A lot of us love helping, John. The veteran communities are very tight knit community. We’re set with it. We just got to do it.
John: All you need to read is “veteran” in the subject line or in the actual body and I’m reading that email. Ron, what’s the best way to connect with you?
Ron: If you go to, you can get me. I got everything there, John, my Google. I got my Facebook, Twitter. Everything is on there. So they go to, you can get to me there pretty much any way you can dream of.
John: Love it. High Speed Nation, you are the average of the five people you spend the most time with and you’ve been hanging out with Ron and myself today, so keep up the heat. Ron, thank you for being so incredibly generous of your time, expertise and experience. High Speed Nation salutes you and we’ll catch you on the flipside.
Ron: Thank you, sir.
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