Thanks for submitting your answers.
Please check your email for an email from; the email contains the results to the survey so you can see how hundreds of other service men and women have rated their Transition Assitance Programs.
We appreciate you taking the time to fill out our survey.
We created this survey to get an idea of how veterans felt about the transition assistance they’ve received from military and government initiatives.
As many of you are aware, veteran unemployment and underemployment is over double the rate of civilians.
This is a major problem.
And because the military is continuing to downsize, that means more and more vets will find themselves going through the same programs that clearly aren’t working.
That’s why we built; to help veterans succeed in the civilian world through education and networking with other veterans.
If you’d like to be notified of additional resources and training to help you succeed in the civilian world, or you’d like to connect with successful veterans (business owners, founders, etc.) and veteran employers, sign up for our mailing list and we’ll keep you up to date on everything we’re building.