Founder Story | Tom Morkes Shares His Veteran Story| High Speed Low Drag Podcast #4 Content

High Speed Nation. John Lee Dumas here, and I am fired up to bring you our featured guest today, Tom Morkes. Tom, are you prepared to ignite? Tom: I am, John. Let's do it. John: Yes. Tom is a West Point grad, Iraq war veteran. He even got paid to jump out of helicopters for a while. Since leaving the Army, Tom has written and published three books, started his own publishing company, … [Read more...]

High Speed Low Drag Podcast Transcript | Four Things Veterans Need To Do To Build A Business

Tom: Hey, everyone. Tom Morkes here with Antonio Centeno from the High Speed Low Drag podcast. We wanted to welcome you back to another episode. Today we want to focus primarily on some questions that we’ve gotten from a recent live event that John, Antonio, and I presented just last week and we’ll be doing another one this week. But it’s questions that we got from the audience after presenting on … [Read more...]

Three Steps Veterans Can Take If They Don’t Know What To Do | High Speed Low Drag Podcast

Are you an expert at everything? We didn’t think so. Neither are we. This is why it is only normal and natural to have those moments when you have no idea what to do. The main question that needs to be asked is this: “What do you do if you don’t know what to do?”  This will be today’s discussion as every veteran out there may have experienced moments of helplessness at not knowing w … [Read more...]

An Introduction to High Speed Low Drag

  A lot of you who may be new readers may not have any idea what High Speed Low Drag is all about and what it entails. This is why we wanted to kick off these podcasts interviews with some sort of proper introduction. High Speed Low Drag is actually a weekly podcast that will feature veterans who have successfully transitioned into the civilian world. We’ll dive into more of tha … [Read more...]