Business cards can be unfamiliar territory for many guys just leaving the service. A lot of guys have never probably even owned a business card in their lives. Perhaps the closest thing many veterans will have to business cards are calling cards. In my opinion, calling cards are pretty darn smart! Calling cards in the military were originally used to introduce military men to new generals or … [Read more...]
The 2 Most Effective Ways That Veterans Can Market Themselves In The Civilian World: High Speed Low Drag Podcast
Snipers And Shotguns Now those two words would not necessarily be connected to marketing oneself, but here in HSLD, we know that these are two words that many if not most of our military peers can relate to. Besides being weapons and artillery, snipers and shotguns are an excellent way to describe what you really want to be and do in life. Click here to listen to the 2 Most Effective Ways … [Read more...]