Tom: Hey, everyone. Tom Morkes is here alongside Antonio Centeno and we want to welcome you back to another episode of the High Speed Low Drag podcast. Antonio, how’s it going?
Antonio: It’s cool and great, Tom. How are you?
Tom: I’m doing good. It’s a good morning and I’m excited to be here and talk to you a little bit about today’s subject, which we’re going to be digging in based on some feedback we’ve gotten, early feedback we’ve gotten from the High Speed Elite mastermind. So, I guess, to give context to the listeners, High Speed Elite is our premium mastermind, business mastermind, and we have a small group of people, small group of veterans that are building businesses. And that’s alongside John Dumas, Antonio Centeno and myself.
And so, one of the first things we do was sent out a survey and get to know what they’re working on, what their problems were, what their goals were and things like that. We have some great stuff that we want to kind of dissect and jump into here with one of the people in our group.
Antonio: Yeah, yeah. That’s the great thing about this topic and the things we’re going to be covering here on the podcast, is this is real information. These are real problems. These are real people that are transitioning out of the military or had been transitioned out for a while and the problems that they face. So we’re not making this stuff up. It’s not high in the pie or high in the sky hypothetical theory stuff.
We have a woman transferring out of the Army. And here’s the deal, she’s got a very specialty type of MOS. I’m using my Marine jargon. I don’t know technically what you guys call it. You call that MOS in the Army?
Tom: Yeah, that’s the same deal, definitely.
Antonio: It’s amazing. You guys call the head, though, the latrine. What’s up with that?
Tom: Right. I don’t know, man. I can’t explain that.
Antonio: I guess, our naval terms. But in any case, let’s just say that this woman who’s transitioning out, she has a medical background. And I have to admit, I don’t even know how this translates with your — I assume that an Army doctor can easily become a normal doctor.
And that’s the thing. But does she really want to continue to stay in the medical field in that particular area? Because speaking with her, it was interesting. She really is passionate about the current medical system and how she feels it’s broken.
Her passion is creating a cash-for-medical service business. And in case you’ve been living under a rock, you may not know that the whole medical service in the United States is going with a huge under haul. There’s a lot of confusion. So if you actually know what’s going on with the current healthcare overhaul, you’re ahead of most of us because I’m a guy and I’m married and I have a number of kids, last check three, but we got another one on the way, and I have to say that I am confused by the current medical system.
It’s actually kind of scary because I keep seeing medical bills go up and up and up and my wife keeps popping out kids. But the point is, I’m going to be paying for a lot of doctor visits. And I’m just blown away. And I’ve had a bad experience with the medical system. I remember one time we went to an emergency outfit in Las Vegas. At that time I didn’t have healthcare. My wife had just come to the United States. I had an insurance company that was supposed to cover her and my son.
We’re told, “Well, you fell through. You’ve been paying for six months for her but now that she’s here on the country, we found some loophole and so we’re not going to cover you.” And I was just very frustrated. However, I wasn’t going to hold back my trip. I wanted to go see my family in California. But on the way, my son got sick in Las Vegas. So we go to the emergency hospital. I hadn’t really used any medical systems outside of the military, so I just went to a regular hospital.
It was 10 o’clock at night. I wanted him to get seen. We waited until probably 2 o’clock in the morning. They gave him an aspirin and said he was okay. And then I got a $2000 medical bill. I mean, it was just, “You got to be kidding me. This is crazy.”
We’ll just call her Mary, but Mary’s passion for talking about cash-based business and setting, in a sense, helping to alleviate being more transparent in actually how you pay for services and things like that really resonated with me. And I see an opportunity for her. Instead of just transitioning out and opening a clinic like this, she could actually become a thought leader on a bigger topic, which is her specialty is — What was it? Physical therapy?
Tom: Yeah, that’s correct.
Antonio: But instead of just focusing on physical therapy and that particular area, I went out and I did a Google search and I find that there’s not a whole lot of information being put out there on cash for medical services. And she could actually become a thought leader in this. So roundabout, the point we’re trying to make and what we’re going to be covering today, is how when you’re transitioning out of the military, you don’t need to be so myopic in zeroing and thinking, “Okay, my brother, he’s EOD in the Army.”
And, Tom, if you’re listening, I love you. But he’s going to be getting out in the next seven to eight years. He’s put in a good amount of time in the Army. But he has the option of eventually retiring. And when he does that, does that mean that he needs to stay in the whole bomb squad area? Is his only option to transition into a police unit and work on their bomb squad? I don’t think so. There’s a lot.
If you’ve got a specialty MOS, there’s a lot of opportunities out there for you. And we’re going to talk today about kind of — We’re going to use Mary as the example. What are her options? And what could she do with the skill set and with her passion going forward? So, Tom, I’m going to turn it over to you and maybe ask: If Mary is coming to you for advice, where are we going to point her? At least where we’re going to try to get her started?
Tom: Yeah. It’s interesting. When I first started to talk to her about — When she was interested in High Speed Elite and talking to her about the program and just getting to know her and what her background was and what her goals were, it’s funny because while I knew she had the medical background, it sounded like that wasn’t necessarily the route she wanted to go. It wasn’t until we kind of sat down and had the first mastermind call and got to figure out more about her and learned the passion behind her ideas in the medical field that I thought it was like a light bulb.
Before she was talking a little bit about interested in kind of writing and things like that, which is great. There’s nothing wrong with that. But I feel like any time somebody talks about that, I consider that more of a medium to spread a message.
And so the question is: What is she going to write on? What is that message that she wants to spread? So, I think, like you said, this is a chance for her to become a subject matter expert and become a thought leader in an area.
And as we all know, I mean, when you do that, the sky is the limit for a way you can take that. If you can niche it down to a subject that you’d become the thought leader on and kind of exploit that — That’s kind of a negative term, but I think it’s appropriate. You exploit the subject matter that you become the expert in. It’s a blue ocean strategy. We’ve talked about that before.
I think, for her, the first thing is get clear on figuring out in terms of this is what’s she’s obviously very passionate about. Now, how can she maybe create some sort of platform where she is able to speak on this subject and start building a following around it? What are your thoughts on that, Antonio?
Antonio: Sorry about that, Tom. I went ahead and muted myself. But, no, I really like the direction. I’m going to latch on to your point about the medium. My first thing, when I’m looking about Mary and having spoken with her, having seen her on video, it’s going to be for her figuring out first latching on to a pain. I think the fact that her story resonated with me that strongly, I think being able to focus in on those pain points. And then look at that pain point. Is that something that you can monetize, that we could create a business model off of?
If those two things are aligned and you have something that we can create a business model off of and you’re identifying a really strong pain point and you’ve got a unique competitive advantage — And her specialty MOS gives her a bit more credibility. One, the Army. So we’ve talked about this before. But if you’re a veteran, never be afraid to, in some way, weave that in. Because she’s going to get a lot more.
Physical therapists, we know that you’ve gone to school for that. But I would have to say when compared to a surgeon, I think physical therapy is maybe not as high of a level as brain surgery in terms of the requirements and everything that goes into that to making that kind of stuff happen. However, the fact that she is an Army physical therapist, I’m immediately thinking that she probably has friends at Walter Reed and she has access to amazing peers. I mean, physical therapy in the Army, you think about all the problems, all of the traumatic injuries and stuff.
I mean, she’s just right there. That’s a huge credibility, unique advantage. So being able to leverage that, go after that niche. I think the key for her is going to be able to find and to narrow down which medium, like you said, Tom, is going to be the best for her. Which one is going to resonate? Now, having interacted with her, I’m going to say initially, I want to see how she writes. Because with video and with audio, it’s not something that–
A lot of people think you naturally are a good speaker or you naturally are good presenter in video. No, you can actually learn that. But initially, when getting started, we want to go for the short term win. We want to go for the low hanging fruit. We want you to start making action. I was just speaking with a gentleman in High Speed Elite last night. My goal to him was just to get some video produced.
We were talking about how him and his wife actually — And she’s in the medical industry. We’re going to be talking about how she’s going to be creating a channel and going down this path. And with her doing that, it was all about how can they leverage this, how can they make it happen?
And they’re thinking three months a year creating these amazing videos, all that stuff. To me, it was, “No, let’s just get you on YouTube, and how about you share the videos that you’re going to create? How about you just put those out with your family?”
Literally create some videos and share them with your family. And once you get that quick little victory, then it builds off. It’s kind of being back at boot camp. I don’t know about you guys but the first time I had to go — In the Marine Corps we call them humps. Basically, a forced march. And the first time I went on a three-mile forced march, I was beat. I was like, “Holy cow!” I have to do a 25-mile forced march and I just barely survived the three-mile, how in the world?
But they’re really good about that. They keep building us up. Next is a seven-mile. Then after that is a ten-mile. Then after that is a 12-mile. Then after that, is a 15-mile. You keep moving up and you realize, “This is very doable.” It’s all about building that mental fortitude, that mental strength so that you realize a lot of the barriers that we face are mental and our body will do what needs to be done.
And we’ve gone through this. And that’s what I would say with Mary. We’re going to first focus on grabbing that low hanging fruit, getting those first few victories.
Tom: Yeah. So on the topic of picking that medium, it’s interesting. I just did some searches and I searched Google for “cash only medical practices” just to see what kind of writing was up there or what was popping up. I searched YouTube and I also searched, not iTunes in particular, but Google again but with a “podcast” at the end of that sentence. And it’s interesting. And the actual blogs that pop up, it seems pretty generic what’s up there — Medscape, medical practice insider. No individual’s names, which is funny.
It’s kind of interesting to me. I feel like there’s a lot, and depending on how you do it, at least, how you approach it, there’s a lot more credibility in having a person’s name up there, especially, in the medical field, if they have like doctor in front of that name. There’s a lot of credibility there. And I’d want to go to a single author’s blog post over this kind of more generic information centers about this topic.
Antonio: Exactly right.
Tom: There is a potential kind of blue ocean or at least potential opportunity.
Antonio: She has that unfair advantage. Not only does she have the Army but she has the medical degree. She’s a doctor. When you go into a doctor, do you ask him, “Oh, what was your GPA? What schools do you go to?”
Tom: Exactly.
Antonio: I’ve never heard of anyone asking a doctor this. Maybe occasionally we’ll see a Certificate on the wall and we, “Oh, you went to this school.” But even if they went to a school out in — And not to put down any school out in the Caribbean, but I do know a lot of the guys that have gone through that type of a program where let’s just say they couldn’t get in to Harvard. They couldn’t get into University of Texas’s medical system. And they were like, “Well, I’m going to make this happen. I didn’t have the best undergrad performance and I’m just going to get a medical school and find a way to get back into the US medical system.”
I do know that it is something that is very stringent. I have friends that went to school over in Moscow and now when they came to the United States they had to actually go through our medical system because we have certain qualifications and everything, standards that are across the board. But you’ve passed those standards. Most people out there are putting out information. They’re not going to have that medical degree. And that is going to give you such a leg up.
Now, not everyone has that medical degree. So some of you guys out there. But think about your specialty MOS. Perhaps you’re in the communication field. Think about all the qualifications, all of that stuff that you’ve gone through that — Yeah, there are some people maybe with IT degrees. But you actually have been in the field. You’ve had to figure out how to make things work. You’ve worked with heavy equipment. I mean, you have some unique advantages and you need to leverage those.
Tom: Yeah, absolutely. So I see right there that’s truly something that is not — I mean, I’m searching right now, see what the Google trends are for this. I’ll pull that up in a second once I get that. But I also want to talk a little bit about unfair advantages. I think one of the cool things about being in High Speed Elite and working with veterans is that by the nature of being a veteran, I think you have an unfair advantage no matter what industry you go in.
I’m not sure if it’s Gallup. I think Gallup might release that poll, I don’t know if it’s annually or what, for where they show like the most trusted professions, and usually like Congress is the bottom, and what’s on the exact opposite end in the spectrum? It’s military. Automatically, if you can associate with that, that’s an unfair advantage no matter what industry you go into because if you’re going to associate yourself with the military, it just comes with this kind of level of trust that’s, again, in any of the profession, is unheard of because it ranks so high. People just automatically trust people in the military.
I don’t know if you have any thoughts on that, Antonio, in terms of like that’s just being an unfair advantage for veterans and how maybe Mary, in particular, could leverage that for a medical practice or a medical education site?
Antonio: Well, I’m going to think immediately she’s going to be able to connect, get people to open doors. I mean, the fact that she’s a doctor right there, I think, would open a lot of doors. When I think of a doctor, I don’t think of a pushy salesman, I don’t think of a self promoter. Actually, I think of what is it that the oath. I always mispronounce my Greek names. I’m going to just pronounce–
Tom: Yeah, I think it’s Hippocratic Oath.
Antonio: Yeah. The Hippocratic Oath. I think of things like that. So that right there, I mean, the fact that she was an Army doctor and she even talked about how the Army is leading the way in a lot — I mean, when it comes down to traumatic injuries. I mean, no one saw as much as the number, sheer number of people as the Army did, out of Iraq and Afghanistan. So right there, that is something that not even — In the area of physical therapy, she has seen, I mean, she has been in the field. She’s been deployed. She has seen things and had to do more with less than any doctor back in the States.
So right there, even among her peers, she has that credibility factor. I think that’s where she can leverage it. So, that’s what she has to look at. I mean, with the average civilian, it’s going to actually be putting together that pinpoint message, that elevator pitch within 20 seconds, she can get across her expertise and what her focus is. So moving forward, I would say, what advice can we — Actually, this is just going to be advice because she’s part of our mastermind program. We’re going to be helping her implement it.
One of the things she immediately brought up is, “Okay, I got issues with the technology. I don’t have a website. I don’t have this. I don’t where to focus.” Well, we’re going to give her and we’re going to help her overcome those barriers because those are, I think, self — Those aren’t really truly barriers. They look like they are. But when it comes down to it, you probably got — She’s overcome, I think, some of the biggest barriers and we’re going to help her overcome the technology. We’re going to help her get the website up.
We’re going to help focus her on the medium, the first one. It doesn’t mean she has to stick with it. She can always go to another one once she becomes more comfortable and realize that she can get her message out. But if we were to look at the first few months, what do you think, Tom? What are going to be the steps to get her focused and to get her, helping get her message out there?
Tom: Sure. It’s a good question. So before I jump into that, I will say that I checked out Google trends, which I think is a really cool tool that anybody out there can look into something and see — It’s just basically self-explanatory, right? See what the trend of that word is, that key word is, to see if it’s increasing or decreasing, which is really good from a business standpoint because then you can see if there are demand for this and is it decreasing or increasing over time?
So I searched “cash medical” and a couple other terms, “cash medical clinic”, “cash medical practice”, et cetera, et cetera. And what I’m seeing is a trend from 2005 or 2006 through 2013 that’s been progressively increasing. And then from 2013 to 2014, it’s starting to take on less of kind of a, like a consistent but slow increase to becoming more of a kind of hockey stick. It’s too early right now to tell. But, I think, one of the things that’s fascinating about that is because of the new changes in the medical industry here in the United States.
And, I think, that’s where it’s going to spike because of that based on what Mary was saying. So right there, I’ll say she’s dealing with a topic in an industry that’s trending up, which is a good thing. And then the second thing I would say, now knowing that, and then, let’s say, hypothetically, the focus you want to take, I would suggest, the first thing I would do is look into doing some kind of a simple but clear business plan.
And I am a big proponent of the Lean Canvas by Ash Maurya of Running Lean. And it’s kind of just say it’s a take on the conventional business canvas, but I think it simplifies and refines it in a more easy to digest way. And focus is probably more on online/kind of tech-related businesses. But, I think, everything is kind of progressively moving there so it’s appropriate for this. So I’d have her go through that, which will help her identify her customer segment.
If she’s going to do this cash medical practice, it’s not necessarily going to be people per se who are looking for the practitioners. It could be. But maybe she is going to be looking more for — Excuse me. It’s not going to be not so much for people who are looking to use the facilities but maybe the doctors that would like to run their own. And so, in that case, that’s a separate customer segment.
From there, she can identify the main problem these people have, what her probable solution could be and what that product would look like, go through her unique proposition and unfair advantage.
We kind of talked about those already. And then flesh out her projected based on this product or whatever she might be able to build around this, whether it’s an e-course or some kind of training material, figure out what she would have to sell it at to meet costs or to get to a certain revenue stream per month that would sustain her. And then scale from there. I mean, that’s pretty general but, I mean, that’s the first thing I would do. It’s kind of breakout that business plan. What are your thoughts, Antonio?
Antonio: Well, first off, I don’t think that was pretty general. I think that was a great job, Tom. Okay, that was the show right there. We can end this. You really just gave her a very, very solid plan. I mean, when it comes down to it, taking action. I mean, the good part with John, Tom and I behind Mary, we’re going to help her overcome some humps but we’re also going to make sure that she doesn’t fall into the analysis paralysis track. And that’s where you are looking, you’re thinking about doing something and a year passes. No.
Honestly, and this is with our High Speed Elite program, the first two months, we run them through a course. Basically, it’s what I learned getting my MBA at the University of Texas. The best 10%, 10% to 20% of that, mixed in with the best that we’ve learned that works online. And so, we’re not going to spend a month on a business plan. We’re going to spend maybe a couple of days on it. We’re going to give it some timelines. Then we’re going to focus on the business model, which is different from the business plan.
The business model is about how are you going to monetize this? We’re going to realize that everything that we just did here, one of the great, go back — I don’t remember. This has been thrown around so many times. I’ve even been quoted as saying this. But remember that the plan is nothing but planning is everything. So she’s going to go forward with this. She’s going to start taking action. She’s going to start putting out blog posts. She’s going to start creating content.
But she’s going to pivot it many times at this very early phase depending on not only what the market says but what she gets a really good feel of which we can see from her traffic numbers and the way people react. This is a good topic. If she starts getting reporters who are contacting her because they see that she’s put out some good solid content on this and they’re like, “Hey, we would like to quote you,” or “This is a great thing. I’d like to hear more.”
Because, Tom, you pointed out the trends. And you can look at the Google trends, and that’s a great place, but go look at the comment section of the articles that had been put out on this. We’re talking a thousand comments. She’s touching into a topic that is explosive. And there are people on both sides that brings in a bit of politics and if I were her, I would avoid the political side of it, at least this early point, be a bit more objective. And that’s what people, I think, do expect from an Army doctor, is being a bit more objective.
But being very clear, “Hey, this is where I stand.” And she’ll be able to tell very quickly based that — She can just put out a few posts. Focus on some great solid content. Some, I think, Corbett — You know what I’m talking about?
Tom: Corbett Barr?
Antonio: Yeah, Corbett Barr. He’s written about this and I’m not going to use his expletive but he calls it epic ass. You guys in the military, “Gosh, Antonio, you’re so careful.” Well, because we want to keep this PG-rated iTunes show. But when it comes down to it, you create some amazing content. And it’s not so much that she’s creating this because she wants to get traffic. She’s creating this to organize her own thoughts.
And to start to formulate her own kind of manifesto of what she stands for, I’ll admit it took me quite a while to figure out what I was really writing about and who I was creating content for. The only way I figured that out is by refining it and practicing. She can’t control if she’s going to become a thought leader within six months or a year or five years. But what she can control is how much work she’s doing each day focused on refining and sharpening and becoming better.
If it was me, I would be wanting to attract other professionals in the field because steel sharpens steel. And she wants to get feedback and get a bit of, in a sense, from her own peers, from people that are already writing about this and be able to engage with them.
So I would say finding some other thought leaders, even if they are a little bit removed, and following them, interacting with them starting with — Google+ is a great place to hang out. Usually, some of the best comments and usually you find some of the best quality people there.
But also going to their Facebook pages, checking in on what they’re doing, maybe responding and starting to build that network and that relationship. So that would be something as well, highlight that, building your network and your relationships. There are already people talking about this whether they’d be reporters, whether they’d be bloggers. And you need to start building the relationship with them.
Tom: Yeah, I completely agree. And actually, just also doing search on that. I did see one podcast and there might be others out there that’s on the topic of this kind of medical cash, or cash medical practices. So right there, there’s at least one person who recognizing–
Antonio: When did they post? When was the last time they put out a podcast?
Tom: Let me pull that up right now.
Antonio: I mean, if they’re putting it out pretty consistently, they’re probably hungry for guests, they’re hungry for people to jump in there. And it’s always nice to be able to be a guest on somebody’s show and to get in front of their audience.
Tom: Yeah. And it’s kind of part of this blue ocean style strategy. So this is Dr. Jarred Carter. And let’s see, I think the most recent one — Let me double check. One of the cool things about this especially doing stuff online is you realize that these people that might seem like competitors, like if I was to go on to this space, it would be like, “Oh, man, he’s already got this podcast, then I can’t do anything.” That’s, I think, the complete wrong way to go about it.
So, say, “Here’s this guy doing something. Why don’t I connect with him, see if there’s some way I can help him and then leverage the success he’s already built into helping me launch something, right?”
Antonio: Exactly.
Tom: And it’s not about like exploitation in that regard. It’s about like connecting, seeing where you can add value and kind of teaming up a little bit. And that is immense opportunity to do that because you guys, you both be in the same industry. You’d both be–
Antonio: Immediately, I’m thinking competitive advantages. You say what is his name?
Tom: Dr. Jarred Carter.
Antonio: So sounds–
Tom: Yeah, his.
Antonio: Exactly. So immediately, her unfair advantage, whether you like it or not, she’s a woman. And there are certain people who want to hear the opinion of a woman. And that’s half the population. Many of us, guys — Sorry, ladies and some of you guys, but men, as you know, women, they got their own like little network and things. I mean, right there, she’s got it. And she can bring in a different perspective.
Again, Army. I don’t think Dr. Jarred is former Army or Navy. So all of a sudden — And if he was Navy, great. You flip it on itself and there is a deeper connection but they’re both doctors. Look at where they went to school. All of a sudden, there are so many ways to connect and to, like Tom said, add value. And that’s what, as you’re building a network, don’t look of what you can take from others. Look at how you can add value, how you can be of service, how you can provide a quote, how you can, in a sense, give them something.
It’s the law of reciprocity. And to be honest, those of us that are already out there putting content, we get people every single day that want to take from us. I get these emails all the time. “Antonio, I’d love it if you could just spend the next six hours writing a blog post to promote my company. I’ll really appreciate it.” It’s like, come on. I just don’t have the time for this.
Tom: Right, exactly. I’ll say this real quick. So looking at this, this podcast has been going for about, I don’t know, six months or so, but I think it started this year. And again, there might be other podcasts, but I don’t see anything ranking, that’s for sure. So it’s definitely one of the only ones out there. The comments are actually pretty good between ten and 20 so there’s, obviously, engagement here on this guy’s podcast.
I’d say right now, like we said, with the trend moving upward, I say here is a massive opportunity to build something rapidly and then connect with this guy who’s already doing it, carve out her niche as a female practitioner in the space and make that her angle.
And, yeah, like you said, that means a lot, especially in the medical field. I think that means a lot. Like often men will want to work with men and women with women. Not always and not in every case, but for her, I think that could definitely be one angle she takes it at. And then combined with her military background, I think that’s an incredible unique value proposition and an unfair advantage that she has.
Antonio: Cool. All right, man. I know that we’ve hit already our time limit on what we want to cover today. Guys, to be honest, there’s a lot more that we’re going to be running through that’s why we have this in a sixth-month program. If you want to learn more, definitely check out High Speed Elite. Maybe you’re not ready for a mastermind yet. You’re a few years out before you transition. Or maybe it’s been five years and you feel that you’re doing pretty well but you want to learn more, go check out High Speed Low Drag.
Not only do we have this great podcast, we’ve got a video series coming out. We have some great written content, summaries of all of these podcasts, so you can go over there and read them. And we love to interact so go check us out on Facebook. We’ve got a Google+ page. A lot of ways that you can connect with both me, Tom and John Dumas.
Tom: Perfect. Sounds great, Antonio. Thanks for sharing that. Again, guys, check us out, or, which isn’t open right now but you can sign up, if you’re interested. And the next time we open up, it will be next year, we’ll let you know. All right, guys. Take it easy and we’ll catch you next week.
Antonio: All right. Take care. Bye.